Dental Treatment Services: 2 Main Treatment Options Available for Tooth Stains or Discolouration

Struggling with stained or discoloured teeth? 

Loss of your teeth's natural colour from food, ageing, nicotine or dental disease can lower your confidence and make you refrain from interacting with other people. It's difficult to go on dates, speak in public or talk to people you've just met when you are constantly self-aware of the fact that your teeth are not looking their best and might cause you humiliation or embarrassment. 

Fortunately, many dentists offer a comprehensive range of cosmetic dental treatments for people who need to improve their smiles. The best part is that there are multiple treatment options for different kinds of dental aesthetics issues, including stained or discoloured teeth. 

Read along to learn some of the cosmetic dental treatments available for people with stained or discoloured teeth.

Teeth Whitening 

Teeth whitening is by far the most popular dental treatment option for discoloured teeth. It works really well when used to remove extrinsic stains, which are stains on the enamel (outer layer of the tooth). Teeth whitening can be performed professionally or at home.

Professional teeth whitening treatment involves getting your teeth whitened at the dental chair by a qualified dentist. At-home whitening treatment involves whitening your teeth at home with over-the-counter whitening kits or dentist-prescribed whitening kits. 

For the best results, it is always best to let a professional work on your teeth. A DIY teeth whitening treatment might not catch all the stains and might lead to uneven colour after performing the procedure.

Dental Veneers

While teeth whitening treatment can brighten the colour pigmentation on your enamel by multiple shades, it isn't for everyone. If you're allergic to hydrogen peroxide, the bleaching agent found in all whitening products, then you may not benefit from teeth whitening treatment. Likewise, expectant or lactating mothers are advised to avoid whitening treatment because the effects of hydrogen peroxide on their bodies is yet to be known through research.

If you are ineligible for whitening treatment due to one reason or another, dental veneer treatment might be ideal for you. These custom-fabricated restorations are designed to match the colour of natural teeth and are fitted over the front part of teeth to improve your smile.

Dental veneers can be made from a range of ceramic materials, but porcelain is the most widely used material for veneers. They are ideal for treating teeth that are discoloured due to excessive fluoride, root canal treatment or early exposure to antibiotics.

None of the two treatment options discussed above is better than the other — each just has its own pros and cons. Schedule a consultation with your dentist so they can explain your options to you, depending on your needs and situation.
