Struggling to Breastfeed? Here's How Chiropractic Services Could Help

Above all else, whether you use formula or breastfeed, the most important thing is that your child is always well-fed. However, where possible, breastfeeding is always the most ideal choice. The Australian government recommends breastfeeding exclusively until your baby is 6 months old, with continued breastfeeding for as long as mother and baby are happy. Breastfeeding is known to reduce a baby's risk of contracting numerous illnesses, from diabetes to leukaemia.

Unfortunately, many mothers feel that breastfeeding is not possible for them due to issues their baby faces during the process. Do problems like loose latching, difficulty sucking and swallowing, fussiness, positional preferences, feeding all day and night and nipple trauma sound familiar to you? If you and your baby are experiencing one or more of these symptoms, you may be considering giving up breastfeeding.

Luckily, there may be a solution that could help you get your breastfeeding back on track: chiropractic care. Many people think chiropractors can only treat back and neck problems, but there are many chiropractors out there who also treat problems like breastfeeding difficulty. 

Why Is Chiropractic Care Needed?

If you don't know much about chiropractic care, it may seem strange at first that this treatment could solve breastfeeding problems. Chiropractic is based on the idea that spinal and musculoskeletal misalignment, referred to as subluxation, can lead to problems throughout the human body. While it may seem impossible for a young baby to have undergone any trauma to their spine, it's important to know that an infant's body is subjected to a lot of pressure when it travels through the birth canal. Chiropractors say that this birthing procedure can cause stress and trauma to a baby's spine, with even more trauma when birthing tools like forceps and vacuums are used. These biomechanical injuries can then lead to difficulty breastfeeding. A subluxation could, for example, cause a baby discomfort when feeding from a certain breast or make it difficult for them to swallow.

What Happens at a Chiropractic Appointment?

When you visit a chiropractor, you'll first be assessed to find out if your baby's breastfeeding difficulties are caused by musculoskeletal trauma. You'll be interviewed to find out about what complications may have played a part in your delivery, as well as other relevant factors like milk production and breastfeeding technique. Next, your baby will be assessed by your chiropractor to find any problems with feeding reflexes, jaw stability and range of movement. Based on conclusions drawn at this stage, your chiropractor will be able to create a treatment plan for your little one and possibly for you too if you require chiropractic care.

How Will Your Baby Be Treated?

There are two main stages involved in chiropractic care for breastfeeding. First, your chiropractor will use gentle musculoskeletal massage and manual adjustment techniques to correct any subluxation detected. This is a safe, natural treatment, and could also improve other problems affecting your baby, such as sleeping difficulties, colic and pain or discomfort. Next, your chiropractor will show you how to continue treatment at home. Often you will be prescribed a set of muscle massages to perform on your child; your chiropractor will guide you through the process of doing this safely. They may also show you how to improve your nursing technique to further improve the breastfeeding process.
