What's it really like to get an eyebrow feathering tattoo?

It's official: brows are here to stay. Gone are the barely-there pencil-thin eyebrows of the nineties and early 2000s; the post-2010 brow is dark, thick and luscious, and the trend doesn't seem to be going anywhere soon. If you like this look, though, you might be finding it difficult to achieve the full impact—especially if your're suffering from the effects of over-plucking in decades gone by. If you'd like to achieve the natural look with minimal fuss and effort, there's now a fantastic solution: the eyebrow feathering tattoo.

How does the procedure work?

Unlike old-fashioned magic-marker-style eyebrow tattoos, feathering tattoos use a light hand and a modern technique to draw individual 'hairs' onto your skin. The procedure results in brows that look perfectly manicured and made up from the moment you get out of bed in the morning. There's no needle; your beautician will use a small instrument a little like a scalpel with several heads.

You won't be able to see the final effect right away. Immediately following the procedure your browline will be a little swollen, and the ink will look much darker than it is intended to—this is entirely normal, and after about three weeks, you'll have the eyebrows of your dreams.

Does it hurt?

The good news is that this procedure is, for most people, entirely pain-free. There's a bit of a tickle, but the overwhelming majority of customers don't experience any real pain at all—the procedure isn't quite a tattoo in the traditional sense, and your beautician will use a numbing cream before the treatment begins to prevent pain and discomfort.

How long does it last?

Brow tattoos aren't quite as permanent as tattoos on other parts of your body. Partly this is because the pigment just isn't in as deeply—it's a relatively gentle procedure, and your beautician will be avoiding the bone directly below the skin—and partly this is because the skin on your face regenerates much more quickly than the skin anywhere else on your body. After your first treatment you'll need a touch-up after six to eight weeks to get everything finished to perfection, and after that you'll need to go back every 12-18 months to keep it looking fresh. If you decide not to return, there's nothing to worry about; the tattoo will fade entirely over time, and you'll have your natural browline back.

Permanent makeup might not be for everyone, but for people whose look is consistent and who'd like to save some time in the morning, it can be a godsend. If you're nervous about the procedure, there are plenty of first-hand accounts available online that might set your mind at ease. Just make sure you find the right cosmetic professional and you're good to go.
